
Following a provocative research about the act of horizontally as a political statement against power structures, this project claims the right to be horizontal and follows her bodily intuition by incarnating damage and effort of everyday struggle by crawling. In this project, Sofia plays with the well known sentence by Žižek “It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism” and envisions an almost dystopian future where she crawls for her life as a symbol for capitalistic and depressive oppression as a somatic practice. She studies extremophiles as well as different species with dermatoskeletons and the idea of being hunted or on the run, playing mimicry: “Device for crawling” is a wearable made in a “Do It Yourself” methodology with mango leather. Designed through the study of crawling and the relationship with the ground, which often symbolizes a threat, the device protects the key areas of the skin that touch the surface. The work navigates through a personal story of forced migration, depression and a deep feeling of non-belonging. Sofia poetically designs a speculative future protecting herself from further damage.


Considering the sight defined by Marie Bardet (AR) as a “frontal, focal and central” a hegemonic organization of the world, this immersive audiovisual installation creates tension between the senses, inviting to experience being non-human and feel with the whole body from other perspectives. How do we move? How do we see? How is it to feel through the stomach, to smell from the skin? To listen with our hands? How many ways of being human are possible?


Sound design by Microhm



hope this [...] finds you well

June 27th - June 30th